Re: [ccp4bb] Stereo solution with Nvidia '3D vision' or '3D vision pro'

2011-05-08 Thread Duangrudee Tanramluk
Dear Yu, Pymol also has a Zalman option. The monitor comes with 2 pair of light-weight polarized glasses, i.e. one for clipping on your prescription glasses and another regular one. If you have the Zalman monitor and its polarised glasses, you can see this .gif movie in 3D on google chrome, ju

Re: [ccp4bb] GLRF and TF under Ubuntu: not part of ccp4 package

2011-05-08 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi, could it be you're trying to run it on a 32-bit machine? You didn't say which version you're running, but the 'glrf-rhel4' version looks like it has been compiled for 64-bit only. Try the 'glrf-huge' version instead, that has been compiled for 32-bit, at least it works for me (Ubuntu). Cheer

[ccp4bb] GLRF and TF under Ubuntu: not part of ccp4 package

2011-05-08 Thread
Dear ccp4 users and masters, I tried to run GLRF and TF program under Ubuntu (10.04 and 10.10) but it did not run. I received the following message: permission denied. So I changed the permissions to glrf and received: invalid exec format Wrong Architecture. Does anyone know what to do? Thanks i

[ccp4bb] Bruker AXS (XPREP/RLATT)

2011-05-08 Thread REX PALMER
Does anyone have a good quality reproducible Bruker AXS (XPREP/RLATT) simulated precession record for a book chapter (it will be fully acknowledged!).   Rex Palmer Birkbeck College