The book by Nevil Shute was written in 1948 and the movie
was made in 1951. In 1950 he moved from UK to Australia.
Peeking in the World Directory it turns out that Elspeth Garman
was born after all these events. Perhaps her parents liked
the movie and were prescient about her future career. Se
This was mentioned in Marv Hackert's outgoing remarks at the ACA meeting a
few years ago, and he showed the clip of the scene. Jimmy Stewart's
comment is apt: "It's quite fundamental. It's really odd to me that the
schools don't teach it."
On Sun, March 27, 2011 4:13 pm, harry powell wrot
Yes, this is based on a Neville Shute story, stars James Stewart and
Marlene Dietrich.
James Stewart's character's daughter is "interested in
crystallography", and her name is Elspeth (a BCA connection?)
On 27 Mar 2011, at 21:04, Frances C. Bernstein wrote:
Picking up an old thread...
Picking up an old thread...
Herbert and I just saw the 1951 film "No Highway in the Sky"
and it has several mentions of crystallography.
Bernstein + Sons
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