Dear CCP4BB users:
Thanks to Dr. Murshudov's instructions, I can now tie the waters to their
original positions. There are 230 water mols in my model. I did:
1. make a file (eg harmonic.key) that says:
external harmonic residues from 1 X to 230 X sigma 0.2
2. select harmonic.key in the "include
hey, I wanted to tell you about this article thats honestly unbelievable,
its about this mom that makes about $9,000/month working from home and it even
shows you exactly how she did it step by step! So last month
Dear Marie,
Look for peaks at your native Patterson map which might indicate
pseudo-translation NCS that can not be detected by self-rotation.
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:04 PM, Marie Lacroix <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I just calculated a self rotation fun