I think I have new problems here with CNS. The structure contains a DNA with a
abasic dideoxyribose(1p,2p-dideoxyribofuranose-5p-phosphate,3DR). But the
pdb genetated by generated_easy.inp lose the abasic site. I used the .param
and .top of 3DR on HIC-Up website. They work when the model is 3D
As far as I know Paul and Eugene are working very hard to make this
option painlessly available to users. With the current versions of
refmac and coot I would check carefully at every stage. In coot I
would look at the distance berween atoms supposed to be linked (even
if they are not
You can use harmonic restraint. There is no option on the interface.
However you can create and use keyword file on the interface.
In the keywords file you need to give instruction where you want to
put harmonic restraints. Syntax is:
for particular atom:
external harmonic chain [ch] residue
Dear all,
as a followup to recent discussions about attachments and their
underlying problems, I uploaded the figures from Bernhard Rupp's book
"Biomolecular Crystallography" to the CCP4 user wiki, with permission by
the author. The article is at