The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
b2a260ac957dac3b6af5dc73684624dd36dc92ea / Martijn Visser
[FLINK-36591] Remo
The GitHub Actions job "npm_and_yarn in /flink-runtime-web/web-dashboard for
cookie, - Update #934130203" on flink.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "maven in /. for io.netty:netty-common - Update
#934130688" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "maven in /. for org.apache.avro:avro - Update
#934130680" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "npm_and_yarn in /flink-runtime-web/web-dashboard for
d3-color, @antv/g-base, d3-interpolate - Update #934130187" on flink.git has
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
The GitHub Actions job "maven in /. for com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt - Update
#934130682" on flink.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "maven in /. for org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common -
Update #934130685" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "maven in /. for commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils -
Update #934130679" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CDC CI" on flink-cdc.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user ruanhang1993 (triggered by ruanhang1993).
Head commit for run:
eaa61524c4f9eb7d9c878ba96f7c166e79ad92b7 / Hang Ruan
add test
Report URL:
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user dependabot[bot] (triggered by dependabot[bot]).
Head commit for run:
6cd0e581df8053fae08c710dd126a0bdbd2881f8 / dependabot[bot]
Bump com.nimbusds:nimb
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user rmetzger (triggered by rmetzger).
Head commit for run:
1c2ec0664fc2d63d09651e940a36ddb6d6516f9f / mehdid93
[FLINK-36740] [WebFrontend] Update frontend dep
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user snuyanzin (triggered by snuyanzin).
Head commit for run:
c7d8515c0285fc0019571a1f637377630c5a06fa / Hanyu Zheng
[FLINK-35241][table] Support SQL `FLOOR`
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user rmetzger (triggered by rmetzger).
Head commit for run:
473a3e8a7b36ab3c4c9422fdc7da5dae60451f13 / Samrat
[FLINK-36889] Mention locking down a Flink cluster in the 'Production Readiness
Checklist' (#257
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:release-1.20 - apache-flink - 51c37cad
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:release-1.19 - apache-flink - 5c9c45c4
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CDC CI" on flink-cdc.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user yuxiqian (triggered by leonardBang).
Head commit for run:
67db5ef74c335b5feaa007234be2c4a349312e2d / yuxiqian
fix: robust cast functions
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user afedulov (triggered by afedulov).
Head commit for run:
fbf532e213882369494ee0f8595814a60de999bd / CuiYanxiang
[FLINK-33117][table][docs] Fix scala example
The GitHub Actions job "Build documentation" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user zentol (triggered by zentol).
Head commit for run:
fbf532e213882369494ee0f8595814a60de999bd / CuiYanxiang
[FLINK-33117][table][docs] Fix scala example
The GitHub Actions job "flink-connector-prometheus: nightly build" on
flink-connector-prometheus.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user hlteoh37 (triggered by hlteoh37).
Head commit for run:
959abc051bf79309dd89c523c9881c23b7e75fae / Lorenzo Nicora
[hotfix][build] Add docs data file for v
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
b2a260ac957dac3b6af5dc73684624dd36dc92ea / Martijn Visser
[FLINK-36591] Remo
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CI (beta)" on flink.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user lincoln-lil (triggered by lincoln-lil).
Head commit for run:
6248fd4fd61a0d76f1b6160abff19fdfdc0f4c63 / Yubin Li
[FLINK-33921][table] Cleanup deprecated IdleStateRetentionTime related method
in org.
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
5c9c45c45d77e3b609108cc69eac15240db8818b / dylanhz
[FLINK-35887][core] Fix NPE in
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:master - apache-flink - c7d8515c
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
51c37cad7464afc23fce10a9a19a04d44b13ad79 / dylanhz
[FLINK-35887][core] Fix NPE in
The GitHub Actions job "Flink CDC CI" on flink-cdc.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user ruanhang1993 (triggered by ruanhang1993).
Head commit for run:
b613cb64b811ed90790e1fc90deef0d0d6e95e16 / Hang Ruan
add docs
Report URL:
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:release-1.18 - apache-flink - b2a260ac
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
6248fd4fd61a0d76f1b6160abff19fdfdc0f4c63 / Yubin Li
[FLINK-33921][table] Cleanup deprecated IdleStateRetentionTime related me
27 matches
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