The GitHub Actions job "Build documentation" on flink-kubernetes-operator.git
has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user asfgit (triggered by asfgit).
Head commit for run:
968a578515d6269bbd5637594a7a342d74c1cd5c / Rui Fan <>
[FLINK-36018][autoscaler] Support lazy scale down
The GitHub Actions job "Build documentation" on flink-cdc.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user PatrickRen (triggered by PatrickRen).
Head commit for run:
4b4b8ea5bba9a723ac5aae19acdf55148f292c22 / Qingsheng Ren
[FLINK-36226][cdc][docs] Build 3.2 docs and mark it as stable (#3597)
The GitHub Actions job "Build documentation" on flink.git has succeeded.
Run started by GitHub user zentol (triggered by zentol).
Head commit for run:
ed7f57c9ccb23957e24a79668daf2302ba29a125 / Luke Chen
[FLINK-36258][config] set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` to config hadoop in
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:master - apache-flink - ed7f57c9
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
fb504734777fbb87950123c0e2227ff82620dbe6 / Martijn Visser
[hotfix] Add missi
[Build failed] flink-ci.flink-master-mirror - flink-ci/flink-mirror:release-1.18 - apache-flink - fb504734
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
194df6c4067c1ee4712839afdf699e051d237c74 / Sergey Nuyanzin
[FLINK-36191][tests] FsMergingCheckpointStorageLocationTest genera
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
ed7f57c9ccb23957e24a79668daf2302ba29a125 / Luke Chen
[FLINK-36258][config] set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` to config hadoop in
The GitHub Actions job "Nightly (beta)" on flink.git has failed.
Run started by GitHub user github-actions[bot] (triggered by
Head commit for run:
bf393918e5c2a81d4dc49ee82e7019f38f64b517 / Sergey Nuyanzin
[FLINK-36191][tests] FsMergingCheckpointStorageLocationTest genera