On 2020/11/17 11:50:42, Gavin McDonald wrote:
> Hi All,
> Concurrency limits that we pay for have now been transferred to
> travis-ci.com, please let me know how things
> look now.
Looks good from HTTP Server perspective. Queue reduces. Thank you very much.
Same with Apache HTTP Server. As pointed out in
> Looks like a huge backlog, at .com we are only processing ~100 builds
> per day:
> https://travis-ci.com/
On 04/23/2009 04:10 PM, Justin Mason wrote:
> fwiw, when we used Buildbot in SpamAssassin I had an apache instance
> running mod_proxy acting as a reverse proxy, using some mod_rewrite
> rules to serve a small set of static files and proxying for the rest:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/spamas