To be very explicit here, additional label conditions should be AND'ed together.
Thus, if your previous label was "ubuntu", then the new one should be "ubuntu
&& !nocredentials" in order to avoid using a non-credentialed build node.
On 2023/07/11 05:41:
Hi folks,
This is a note in the margin that we are seeing issues with builds running on
our ephemeral jenkins nodes that require credentials (for example for
dockerhub, nexus, etc).
To mitigate any issues, we've set a label called "nocredentials" on these nodes
for the time being, while we sor
On 2021/04/28 14:26:08, Dave Fisher wrote:
> Hi Kirs,
> I’m working on Pelican builds myself and I noticed you have failing builds on
> the buildbot.
dolphinscheduler-website is a docsite repo, not pelican. Their .asf.yaml is
straight-up wrong. It should not have the pelican section at a
gt;> Has this support already been removed?
> >>>
> >>> All of Beam's jobs use this plugin. They are generated using the job DSL,
> >>> but we have not ported to the other plugin.
> >>>
> >>> Kenn
> >>>
> >>> On
Hi folks,
as part of some cleanup and consolidation (essentially we don't want to
maintain two different plugins that do the same thing), we have removed support
for the old GitHub PR Builder on Jenkins, and are focusing on the modern
variant. If your build previously made use of the old one (It
Hi folks,
As this seems to be a hot topic as of late, I'll provide some
information about our usage of external CI services.
Travis CI: The foundation has an agreement with Travis CI to provide our
projects with external CI services through them. At current, we have
approximately 40 executors the
This should be fixed now, and new builds should succeed.
On 2018/10/09 11:46:09, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I see similar errors in two unrelated builds being unable to deploy
> their website content:
> https://builds.ap
There are some misaligned passwords going on, I'm trying to get them all in a
row now.
With regards,
On 2018/10/09 11:46:09, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I see similar errors in two unrelated builds being unable to deploy
> their website content: