Fwd: Build failed in Jenkins: Tamaya-Extensions-Master #1371

2018-02-12 Thread P. Ottlinger
Hi, H22 seems to have problems cloning repos ... multiple TAMAYA-builds failed and went through on other builds. As I'm still unable to log into Jira (DNS issues on my ISP's side ) I send the stacktrace via mail. Thanks, Phil Weitergeleitete Nachricht Betreff: Build failed

Certificate problem while downloading external resource

2018-02-12 Thread Felix Schumacher
Hi all, as can be seen at https://builds.apache.org/job/JMeter-trunk/6670/console, we (JMeter) have a problem downloading the artefact (checkstyle-8.8-all.jar from sourceforge) https://downloads.sourceforge.net/checkstyle/checkstyle/8.8/checkstyle-8.8-all.jar?ts=1518437062725&use_mirror=auto