I set this up and configured Jenkins to use the test-data checked out from
Uwe Schindler
ASF Member, Apache Lucene PMC / Committer
Bremen, Germany
> From: Steve Rowe [mailto:sar...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016
I thought about the wikipedia test files used by Jenkins: I think I would
commit them to SVN inside the Lucene/Solr project’s folder. The Nightly-Test
Jenkins jobs that use them could simply check them out into a separate dir of
the workspace. Byt that it is easier for us to update them
Hallo Gav,
I just triggered a Lucene build. There was only one problem that the
“ivy-bootstrap” was not ran before (which places “Apache IVY” in ~/.ant/lib). I
manually triggers “ant ivy-bootstrap” once (developers and people who want to
build lucene have to do this once – so also Jenkins).
the test files could be a puppet module.
The lucene.build.properties in the Jenkins home dir is a “hardware specific”
file, as it allows to configure the number of parallel runners and where the
special test files are – one would not be able to use it on any other jenkins
slave. If i