Dear Trevor
THanx a lot it works great!
concerning the missing bracket i had a doubt about space.
for the diamond shaped notes , i use petrucci, but not for the alignement
it is a sort of manierism, since i am writing motets , and as anhomage to
the XVth century composers i use this . But anyhow
On 5/12/06, karim haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't know if it is a bug feature or the problem of overriding many
things ?
But i encounter theses features using the very good and practical
multiple tuplets by Trevor :
1- sometimes (and i don;t seem to know why ?) brackets are overla
I don't know if it is a bug feature or the problem of overriding many
things ?
But i encounter theses features using the very good and practical
multiple tuplets by Trevor :
1- sometimes (and i don;t seem to know why ?) brackets are overlapping
c.f mesure 2, 5 and 9
2- sometimes