2009/7/21 hernan gonzalez :
> Any news with this issue? I guess my scenario (staff + chords+ tabstaff) is
> not unusual, and the problem degrades badly the lilypond output.
> Some workaround ? Won't it be even considered as a bug to be fixed?
Thanks for the reminder; since no one else seems to ha
Any news with this issue? I guess my scenario (staff + chords+ tabstaff) is
not unusual, and the problem degrades badly the lilypond output.
Some workaround ? Won't it be even considered as a bug to be fixed?
Hernán J. González
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:33 AM, V
2009/7/16 hernan :
> In certain cases, the combination of tabstaff with chords-mode seems to cause
> serious spacing problems. Look at this example
> http://hjg.com.ar/varios/lilypondb1/test2.png
> (extra spacing above am6 chord in third measure, and above the last chord in
> last measure)
> Th
In certain cases, the combination of tabstaff with chords-mode seems to cause
serious spacing problems. Look at this example
(extra spacing above am6 chord in third measure, and above the last chord in
last measure)
The source code is here: