> To be honest I have nothing in mind right now...
> BTW how was your 2.14 code ?
It was strictly the same but including this line that i had to comment:
\override Stem #'stem-end-position = #14
...because in 2.18 it outputs this :
warning: cannot find property type-check for `stem-end-positio
2014-03-19 12:55 GMT+01:00 Karim Haddad :
> But this is sure a "dirty" trick to do ...
Hum sure that's bad enough to make Mrs Lily complaining... but I like it !
> If you find a better tweak please do tell me. And even better if there is
> a way to restore the stem-end-position, without
Sorry,for this again.
Found a way around that : it is to force the unbeamed notes (like c4 c2
etc ...) with beaming, like doing so
\times 5/4 {
e''4 [ \glissando
g'4 [ \glissando
But this is sure a "dirty" trick to do ...
If you find a better tweak please do tell me. And even bette
THanx again Pierre,
Here is an example :
\version "2.18"
\new Staff {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent =##t
\override Staff.Clef #'transparent =##t
\override Staff.Accidental #'transparent =##t
Hi Karim,
should do the job.
For more details please give us a minimal example of what you'd like to do.
bug-lilypond mailing list
Hi Pierre,
Thanx for the answer . But this seems to do the inverse action of what
stem-end-position did. Stem-end-position forced all non beamed stems to
end at the same position and apparently it has been removed (?) Is there
any workaround ?
> 2014-03-18 19:45 GMT+01:00 Karim Haddad :
2014-03-18 19:45 GMT+01:00 Karim Haddad :
> Hello list,
Hi Karim,
> This is not a bug, but a missing feature. It used to work in 2.14.
> Does anyone knows a replacement to stem-end-position in the stable version
> 2.18 ?
see : http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentati
Hello list,
This is not a bug, but a missing feature. It used to work in 2.14.
Does anyone knows a replacement to stem-end-position in the stable version 2.18
Thank you.
bug-lilypond mailing list