Am Samstag, 16. Juli 2011, 01:31:05 schrieb Ken Kellogg-Smith:
> 1. .ly source code: Internal measure numbering errors beginning at
> (jEdit) line 30 et. seq.
> musicxml2ly's measure numbering routine made two related discrepancies:
> (1) at line 30: measure #1 was identified as measure num
"Ken Kellogg-Smith" wrote in message
LilyPond version:v2.14.1 file date: 6/12/2011
operating system: Windows XP 2002 SP2
text editor: jEdit
I experimented with musicxml2l
LilyPond version:v2.14.1 file date: 6/12/2011
operating system: Windows XP 2002 SP2
text editor: jEdit
I experimented with musicxml2ly by downloading a MusicXML-coded lead sheet
(Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" ) from