when a mesure start with a rest, there is a wrong barcheck warning for lyrics
here is an exemple (tested with 2.8.1 and 2.8.2)
\context Voice = mel \relative
{ f2 f2 | r2 f2 | }
\lyricsto mel \new Lyrics \lyricmode
{ ah ah | ah | }
Incorrect midi barcheck warnings are happening again. This time I was unable
to isolate what causes it; random & unrelated changes seem to affect it. I
couldn't get it much smaller than this:
%Lilypond produces correct output, but during midi output, it produces a
%barcheck warning for the
There's something fishy with the midi's barchecking code, especially when it
comes to lyrics. The following produces an unmotivated warning
/tmp/foo.ly:40:28: warning: barcheck failed at: 5/8:
x x x x x | y y y y y y y
| z
during MIDI output, using 2.1.6.