2008/11/11 Peter Riegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> % this creates a .ps file of 49,967,248 bytes
> % the .pdf is more reasonably sized at 108,361 bytes
> % the problem stems from use of the lyric tie
As Werner said, it's the included font that's causing the size. On
Windows the font containing th
> % using a lyric tie generates huge postscript files [...]
> % this creates a .ps file of 49,967,248 bytes
> % the .pdf is more reasonably sized at 108,361 bytes
> % the problem stems from use of the lyric tie
Yes. lilypond uses a simplistic approach by simply including the
whole font neede
> I'm not top posting.
% using a lyric tie generates huge postscript files
\version "2.11.63" %run on Windows XP
\paper { ragged-right=##t}
voicea = \relative c' { c4 d e f }
lyricsa = \context Lyrics \lyricmode { bb cc aa~ee dd }
\score{ \context Staff <<
\context Voice{ \vo