> "Phil" == Phil Holmes writes:
Phil> "Helge Hafting" wrote in message
Phil> news:cf93cf976a70dd40a48c64f5d4141e341ba...@ex-vs01.ad.hist.no...
>> Using articulate.ly and the \mark command causes barcheck failures
>> even when there is no fault in the music - as this file
>> demonstrates.
"Helge Hafting" wrote in message
Using articulate.ly and the \mark command causes barcheck failures even
when there is no fault in the music - as this file demonstrates.
Remove the \mark, and there is no failure. Or drop articu
Using articulate.ly and the \mark command causes barcheck failures even
when there is no fault in the music - as this file demonstrates.
Remove the \mark, and there is no failure. Or drop articulate.ly,
and there is no failure. With both, there is a failure.
This makes bar checks (and parallel mu