Thanks, added as
Note that this is a non-trivial new feature, so it may be a while before
it is implemented.
- Graham
Zoltán Selyem wrote:
%% Though I have no idea where and how to place these slurs
%% according to classical typo
The most reasonable solution would be to move the slurs to
begin at the tip of the stem instead of starting close to the note head
in these situations.
The intuitive approach to handle these situations would be to set
the avoid-slur property on stems and note heads, but clearly it doesn't
work he
%% Though I have no idea where and how to place these slurs
%% according to classical typographical rules...
%% Slurs collide with polyphonic music
%% In the last measure the lower slur points to the wrong note
\version "2.11.21"
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
\relative g' {