On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Neil Puttock wrote:
> No, I'm sure you're right here, which means there's a problem with
> disabling the after-line-breaking callback, especially in the case of
> tall Score objects.
I'm not sure how to write a bug report for this: I can't understand
2009/9/13 Reinhold Kainhofer :
> But the problem was that without moving to the top staff, these grobs are not
> accounted for in the vertical layout, thus leading to collisions, etc. Or am I
> misremembering something here?
No, I'm sure you're right here, which means there's a problem with
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Am Sonntag, 13. September 2009 18:54:20 schrieb Neil Puttock:
> 2009/9/13 Nicolas Sceaux :
> > %% In the following snippet, the Mark_engraver being in the Score
> > context, %% the rehearsal mark shall be placed at the bottom of the
> > system, not at
2009/9/13 Nicolas Sceaux :
> %% In the following snippet, the Mark_engraver being in the Score context,
> %% the rehearsal mark shall be placed at the bottom of the system, not at
> %% the bottom of first staff.
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'after-line-breaking = ##t
I think there was a
[git from Sat Sep 12 21:00:03 2009]
%% In the following snippet, the Mark_engraver being in the Score
%% the rehearsal mark shall be placed at the bottom of the system, not
%% the bottom of first staff.
\version "2.13.4"
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { g'1 g' }
\new St