Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
Comment #5 by lemzwerg:
Perhaps `aligning' was the wrong word. For the tie formatting problem,
you have a
set of ties which comes from a single voice:
voice "foo" -> ties -> formatting
Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
Comment #4 by hanwenn:
there is no concept of 'aligning' to: lily uses a combinatorial
approach: generate a
lot of different combinations of formatting, and select the one that is
least ugly.
Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
Comment #3 by lemzwerg:
I generally prefer solutions which don't need tweaks. Sometimes, I
agree, using
\tweak is an acceptable workaround, but in this case I have the feeling
a general
Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
Comment #2 by hanwenn:
Treating all the ties together would make the number of different formatting
combinations explode.
Wouldn't it be more productive to provide tools to tweak endpoints for
Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
Comment #1 by hanwenn:
(No comment was entered for this change.)
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Issue 458: handling ties from different voices
New issue report by lemzwerg:
\version "2.11.31"
\header { texidoc = "
Ties from different voices must be handled by LilyPond on the
staff level to avoid clashes with notes.
Moving the tie engra