Issue 336: octavation, change clef produces incorrect note positions
Comment #5 by v.villenave:
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Labels: fixed_2_11_38
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Issue 336: octavation, change clef produces incorrect note positions
Comment #4 by gpermus:
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Status: Verified
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Issue 336: octavation, change clef produces incorrect note positions
Comment #3 by gpermus:
Dupe of 467, since that has a nicer write-up of the enhancement request.
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Status: Duplicate
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Issue 336: octavation, change clef produces incorrect note positions
Comment #2 by hanwenn:
clef and octavation operate on middleCPosition, which determines the vertical
for a pitch. If you want to comibine both, set middleCPosition ex
Issue 336: octavation, change clef produces incorrect note positions
Comment #1 by v.villenave:
I had a weird bug I couldn't explain, it took me a couple hours to find its
origin (a
polyphonic thing five pages before the actual bug!). It seem