Status: Verified
Comment #6 on issue 1813 by brownian.box: Doc: Overlapping boxes and
section headers in LM
(No comment was entered for this change.)
bug-lilypond mailing
Status: Fixed
Labels: -Frog fixed_2_15_9
Comment #5 on issue 1813 by philehol...@googlemail.com: Doc: Overlapping
boxes and section headers in LM
Pushed as f9b28c30a3badc92aaacbb70c56e5114fc1d77ab
Comment #4 on issue 1813 by percival.music.ca: Doc: Overlapping boxes and
section headers in LM
woah, let's not get distracted. There's no "medium term" here.
Problem: overlapping boxes.
Solution: that one-line (not counting comment
Comment #3 on issue 1813 by philehol...@googlemail.com: Doc: Overlapping
boxes and section headers in LM
Further updates. A patch supplied from the texinfo community fixes this
(see the end of this comment for the patch). If this is
Comment #2 on issue 1813 by philehol...@googlemail.com: Doc: Overlapping
boxes and section headers in LM
This was David's patch. I know this makes the issue better, (i.e. moves
the cartouche down a bit) but does nto fix it:
diff --g
Comment #1 on issue 1813 by percival.music.ca: Doc: Overlapping boxes and
section headers in LM
could I get a link to the patches that Werner and David proposed? or just
to the discussion thread? The discussion veered off into the TE
Status: Accepted
Labels: Type-Documentation Priority-High Frog
New issue 1813 by philehol...@googlemail.com: Doc: Overlapping boxes and
section headers in LM
Looking at (say) the LM section header "1.1.2 MacOS X", the warning