On 13 Mar 2012, at 22:57, Charlie Collar wrote:
>> I'm not top posting.
> Code:
> \version "2.14.0"
> %Only happens when one line starts with a \grace (or \appoggiatura
> \acciaccatura) and another line with a changed clef doesn't.
> %I run Windows Vista
> \relative c' {
> <<
> \new
> I'm not top posting.
\version "2.14.0"
%Only happens when one line starts with a \grace (or \appoggiatura
\acciaccatura) and another line with a changed clef doesn't.
%I run Windows Vista
\relative c' {
\new Staff {\grace d8 d1}
\new Staff {\clef "bass" b1}
In the following snippet, the grace note gets cut off.
\repeat volta 2 {
c4 b8 c d e g4 f
\repeat volta 2 {
\grace {e8(} )d8 c4 ~ c2
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