> > \lyrics { bla bla \autoMelismaOff bla bla \autoMelismaOn bla bla }
> > \lyrics { bla bla bla bla }
> Yes, this notation is definitely a lot nicer than my suggestion. And it is
> also sufficient for all reasonable us
On Saturday 10 January 2004 02.31, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > {one4 \addlyricsOff two2 \addlyricsOn four4}
> > (where two2 means that "two" explicitely has the duration 1/2)
> > This notation would be easy to write and read. It also feels like a hack,
> > but it does re
> {one4 \addlyricsOff two2 \addlyricsOn four4}
> (where two2 means that "two" explicitely has the duration 1/2)
> This notation would be easy to write and read. It also feels like a hack, but
> it does reflect something like a hack in the notation. And problems will
> ar
Thanks for all the suggestions. There are a couple of good ones there,
and a couple of puzzles (I've been thinking about the different stanza
thing too.) But they need some thought before they can be
implemented. I'll get back to you
> 2. Another suggestion I have,
It seems that lily 2.1 is the time for major changes in the lyrics code, which
even may break backward compatibility.. so it feels like the right time to
raise these questions, as some kind of constructive criticism (tm):
1. It would often be useful to override the behaviour of \addlyrics i