> There's nothing attached, but it's in git:
> db6910b2913115769ba736e0b0ff6a159ba4
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=commit;h=db6910b2913115769ba736e0b0ff6a159ba4
> Unfortunately it just missed the 2.15.3 release, but it will be
> included in 2.15.4.
(Note: this message is in reply to an existing thread. I just subscribed
to the ML. I apologize if this creates a new thread.)
Thank you for clarifying the problem surrounding mpost.
> Attached is a fix which makes it work again in lilypond (without
> breaking backwards compatibility to older mpo
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 08:14:51AM +0200, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> Attached is a fix which makes it work again in lilypond (without
> breaking backwards compatibility to older mpost versions), and which
> I've applied to the git repository. Please test and report whether it
> works so that we can m
>> What exactly is the `latest texlive'?
> I may be able to test TeXLive from SVN to see if the problem
> persists.
It persists, and it is the same problem as with the Arch distribution:
mpost no longer dumps a .mem file but reads the corresponding .mp file
Attached is a fix which mak
> On my Arch Linux system, fully up-to-date, with the latest texlive
> in Arch's testing repo, I get the following error when trying to
> build lilypond 2.14.1 from source:
> "Sorry, I can't find the 'mf2pt1' preload file; will try 'plain'.This is
> MetaPost, version 1.504 (kpathsea version 6.0.1
On Mon 27 Jun 2011, 05:33 Marc Payne wrote:
> Hi there.
Thank you, I've added this as 1714:
> I haven't found any references to this problem on the mailing lists or
> elsewhere, so I hope my input is useful.
> On my Arch Linux system
Hi there.
I haven't found any references to this problem on the mailing lists or
elsewhere, so I hope my input is useful.
On my Arch Linux system, fully up-to-date, with the latest texlive in Arch's
testing repo, I get the following error when trying to build lilypond 2.14.1
from source: