Bertalan Fodor wrote:
SYMPTOM: \stopStaff kills the barline at the end of the fragment
\layout { }
\version "2.5.27"
\paper {
raggedright = ##t
\relative \new StaffGroup <<
\context Staff = "3" { c1
\new Staff {
\set Staff.alignAboveContext = #"3"
c8 d e f g a b c \stopStaff }
c1 }
SYMPTOM: \stopStaff kills the barline at the end of the fragment
\layout { }
\version "2.5.27"
\paper {
raggedright = ##t
\relative \new StaffGroup <<
\context Staff = "3" { c1
\new Staff {
\set Staff.alignAboveContext = #"3"
c8 d e f g a b c \stopStaff }
c1 }