Thanks for catching the issues with my example. I've tried to strip it down
even farther to the absolute simplest example that causes this crash. Try
\version "2.19.49"
% To get an interesting alternative bug, comment out the next line. Lilypond
finishes, but only engraves the first no
\version "2.18.2"
\new Staff {
\clef "treble"
% This is a Nancarrow-style 1% acceleration. It hangs Lily permanently with
message "Preprocessing graphical objects..."
% One fewer nested tuplet runs without error. To prove this, comment out
next line, and uncomment the line after that.
\version "2.19.49"
\new Staff {
\clef "treble"
\relative c''
\tuplet 53/37{r4} \tuplet 37/29{c8} \tuplet 3/2{d8} \tuplet 5/3 {e8}
\tuplet 11/9{b4.} \tuplet 17/13{g8} \tuplet 7/5{r4} \tuplet 13/8{a8}
\tuplet 8/5{b8} \tuplet 12/7{c4} \tuplet 23/19{r8} \tuplet 47/37{e8}
also "programming error: trying to move backward in time"
also "programming error: Moment is not increasing. Aborting interpretation"
\version "2.19.49"
% To get an interesting alternative bug, comment out the next line. Lilypond
finishes, but only engraves the first 2 notes on the staff.