%% The stem length of the longa is very short when Baroque NoteHead style is
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c' { \time 4/1 c\longa \override NoteHead.style = #'baroque c\longa
bug-lilypond mailing list
%% The \override Stem.length has no effect on the stems of Longa notes
\version "2.18.2"
\relative c' { \time 4/1 c4 d e f g2 a b c c b c\longa \override Stem.length =
#2 c,4 d e f g2 a b c c b c\longa }
bug-lilypond mailing list
> I'm not top posting.
% When the incipit has a soprano clef,
% the staff lines are not aligned
% irrespective of the clef of main part
\version "2.16.2"
incipit = \markup {
\score {
{ \clef soprano
s4 \bar "" }
\layout { }
} }
main = { g'1}
\new Voice=bug { \
> I'm not top posting.
This bug is present also in the latest development version 2.13.7
2.10.33 (where bass figure extenders are created by the command "\set
useBassFigureExtenders = ##t) is free from this bug.
%% bassFigureExtendersOn and bassFigureExtendersOff
%% within a ChoirStaff create Os