When I try to change fonts, and then staff size,
only the staff size changes. Also I can't change
the size of the lyrics from layout.
\version "2.14.2" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\paper {
myStaffSize = #14
#(define fonts
%%% > I'm not top posting. %%%
%%% Begin example %%%
\version "2.14.0"
\relative c {
\time 7/8
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2 3)
\clef bass
r4 bes,8 r bes[ r r] bes r r4 bes8[ r r] bes4 bes8 r bes[ r r]
%%% I cannot get the beams to extend over TWO rests. %%%
> I'm not top posting.
"Partcombine" function will not show the second voice in measure 11.
Here's the code:
\version "2.13.63-1" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
hornthree = \relative c' {
\time 2/4
R2*2 r8 e16 r r8 e16 r r8 cis16 r r8 e16 r
R2*2 r8 e16 r r8 e16
\version "2.12.3" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
% I cannot get the manual beams to extend over all of the rests specified.
\new staff \relative c' {
\time 7/8
r4 e8 r e[ r r] e r r4 e8[ r r]
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