Graham Percival> writes:
> It would be nice to check if it's fixed in the devel version. As
> a general rule, I'd say that if a bug doesn't exist in devel,
> people won't bother changing it in stable.
Francisco sent me a link to upgrade lilypond for Ubuntu. I can now re
Graham Percival> writes:
> Please download lilypond from our website. The packaged version
> in Ubuntu is old.
> Cheers,
> - Graham
Ah. I will do that, although the problem has been solved in the thread below
this one. But isn't it appropriate that most users should
Neil Puttock> writes:
> This looks like a line separator issue. Can you confirm whether your
> text editor is using newline (\n)?
I edited the file in emacs, and was using ordinary line endings. However, I had
copied/pasted some code from various websites, so perhaps the problem
Francisco Vila> writes:
> Your code runs without warnings on Ubuntu 8.04 with latest release of
> LilyPond. Please consider upgrading.
$ sudo apt-get install lilypond
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
lilypond is already t
> I'm not top posting.
It seems that whenever I try to use an \override command, I get strange GUILE
errors, and then the lilypond type-check fails. However, if I add a comment to
the end of the line (it doesn't matter what the comment says), there is no
error. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 on an i386,