Time signature change in first alternative causes different behavior depending on number of staves

2019-07-22 Thread Jörn Eichler
Hi to everybody, this is my first post to this list. I experienced a problem in v2.19.83 when I tried to produce orchestral parts from a score. Since I couldn't find it on the issue tracker, I hope it's OK to post here: \score {   <<   \new Staff {\relative c {\repeat volta 2 {\time 2/4 R2 |} \a

musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter

2015-05-02 Thread Jörn Eichler
> I'm not top posting. For music XML input "2" on an eighth note of C, musicxml2ly creates "c8 :16" which, I think, is incorrect, because the 2 tremolo marks make it a 32th tremolo. http://www.musicxml.com/UserManuals/MusicXML/Content/EL-MusicXML-tremolo.htm says: "Note that the number of attache