Is this likely to be resolved? Perhaps a more fully-functioning workaround?
I'm not nearly clever enough to do either myself, and it looks as though
I must generate a series of scores with manually-set page numbers (and
blank pages) and combine them with pdftk.
Phil Holmes wrote:
"Hilary Snaden" wrote in message
Manual beamings of cross-staff note groups are mangled, but
inconsistently. The beaming in this extract works for the first 6 bars,
then fails on beats 1 and 3 on the following bars. (B
#x27; \manualBeam #'(1.5 . 2) a \csu e' c e) % 11
r \csl a,^( e c' \manualBeam #'(1.5 . 2) a \csu e' c e) % 11
r \csl \manualBeam #'(1 . 1.5) bes^( g \csu d' % 12
\manualBeam #'(1.5 . 2) \csl bes \csu g' d g) % 12
r d^( bes g' d
Paul Scott wrote:
If there are two identical \tempo's in sequence the second one will not
be printed.
\tempo "Allegro"
\tempo ""
\tempo "Allegro"
Works on 2.12.2.
Hilary Snaden
Frédéric Bron wrote:
Lilypond 2.12.2 on windoze. Custom (de)crescendo text always renders in
italics. It would be good to be able to use normal (non-italic) text.
\markup { \normal-text "louden" }
Excellent, thank you.
Lilypond 2.12.2 on windoze. Custom (de)crescendo text always renders in
italics. It would be good to be able to use normal (non-italic) text.
\version "2.12.2"
\relative a' {
\set crescendoText = \markup { louden }
\set crescendoSpanner = #'text
\set decrescendoText = \markup { soften }