; Can you use an explicit font reference - to our TexGyre family - in
> MikTex than let it pick the default font (which I assume it is
> doing?), maybe the font family it is using doesn't come with ligatures?
> James
> On 20/02/17 20:15, Friedrich Kink wrote:
ovement. I'll update once the issue disappears.
kind regards,
PS: I noticed that inline picture were remove, so for completeness I
attached them again.
Am 20.02.2017 um 19:16 schrieb James:
> Hello Friedrich,
> On 19/02/17 20:10, Friedrich Kink wrote:
>> Hi J
you know.
kind regards,
Am 19.02.2017 um 19:52 schrieb James Lowe:
> Hello Friedrich,
> On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 19:09:39 +0100
> Friedrich Kink wrote:
>> Dear Simon,
>> thanks for the fast answer. By chance I found another example which I
t seems to be an issue with the ligature.
> We absolutely require bug reports to be made using _minimal_ examples,
> see <http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html>. Please create one.
> Best, Simon
> On 15.02.2017 22:07, Friedrich Kink wrote:
>> Dear Devel
Dear Developers,
I noticed an issue which I consider a bug. I tried with latest lilypond
version 2.19.55.
The following lyrics 'un -- er -- schaff -- nen' prints 'un - er scha
nen' from a Latex file including lilypond source with
\documentclass[a4paper, twocolumn, landscape, DIV=17]{scrreprt}%