Oct 30 - , here's a special invitation.

2003-10-31 Thread David Ledoux's Office
>From The Desk Of Chris De La Rosa, Director of Marketing Ilovemlm.comÂ…. Dear , I'm pleased to announce that in response to the many requests we've received, we've convinced Max Steingart to do additional teleclasses on how to use the Internet to sell your business or products. We have schedul

, don't delay on this last chance.

2003-09-28 Thread David Ledoux's Office
>From the desk of Chris De La Rosa, Dir. of Marketing Ilovemlm.com... September 28, 2003, (11 am EST.) Hello , A few days ago David Ledoux sent you a exclusive offer that was ONLY good for 7 days. "GOOD SOLID LEADS that are RESPONSIVE and COST EFFECTIVE FOR YOU and YOUR team AT BELOW WHOLE