failed to compile lilypond.
Valentin Villenave schreef:
On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Corien Prins wrote:
Some drummers use and open notehead with a diagonal line for the toms (high tom,
floor tom etc), but this notehead is not included in lilypond. See
Some drummers use and open notehead with a diagonal line for the toms (high tom,
floor tom etc), but this notehead is not included in lilypond. See for an example.
PS how do you post attachments?
> I'm not top posting.
% When percent repeat is used in drummode, all output in the
% same score after the repeat is messed up: the different voices
% creat their own staff with a different clef.
% When 'percent' is replaced by 'unfold' or 'volta' it works fine.
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }