Fooling \partcombine in lilypond 2.4.2

2005-01-14 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, I have found a case where \partcombine does not print the second voice... Having tried a lot of combinaisons, I have founded that it is the conjunction of the R1 in the beginning *and* the decrescendo following which produce this unexpected result. Hoping this will be usefull... Thanks,

lilypond 2.1.31 \harmonic bug (inhibit accidentals)

2004-03-16 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, As I have no idea to correct it by myself, I only report : The following code show that accidentals are not printed when used in conjunction of \harmonic : \score { \notes { 1 } \paper { } } Please see png attached... TIA, Alex. __

lilypond 2.1.28 : alterations don't show up with \harmonic.

2004-03-10 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, The following lilypond code will show the problem : \score { \notes \relative c' { } } cis is well displayed, but there is no difference between g'\harmonic and gis'\harmonic. TIA, Alexandre. ___ Bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL

bugreport : lilypond 2.0.0 crash

2003-09-25 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, as lily asks herself, I reproduce this to give you a clue about possible bug and join the file which produce this error (befor submitting it to mutopia :-)) Thanks again for this wonderfull software, Alex. PS : I use Debian unstable. casimir:~/documents/partitions/Chant/Faure> lilypo

Sideeffect of avoiding grace note bug (lily 1.7.13)

2003-03-05 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, Needing to avoid grace note bug mentionned in the documentation (, I use \grace {s8} getting the sideeffects you can see (little snippet and png attached)... (bar 3 in the upper Staff is emp

Lilypond 1.7.13 : 'programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods(): I am not spanned!'

2003-03-03 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, After posting to users mailing-list, and received advice to post on [EMAIL PROTECTED], I send you this music source snippet which give the following warning : Calculating line breaks... programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! (Continuing; cross thumbs) he

LilyPond 1.7.13 crashed (signal 6).

2003-02-26 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, As lily itself asks me, I post this :-) The following file : \header {tagline = ""} \score { \notes \relative c { \time 3/4 c c c | \grace {s8} \grace {c8} c c c | c c c } } produce : lilypond --verbose GNU LilyPond 1.7.13 lilypond_datadir: `/usr/local/share/lilypo

Problem with ly2dvi (version 1.7.12) when ly files into a directorycontaining a single quote in its name...

2003-02-16 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, I'm currently working with lilypond 1.7.12 and found out that when using ly2dvi in a directory which name contains a ' fool ly2dvi and gives errors : (see typescript) Yes, I agree it's a strange idea to have directories containing special caracters... I promise to not do it again :-)

Lilypond 1.6.2 segfault.

2002-09-13 Thread Alexandre Beneteau
Hello, I imagine my .ly file contains some mistakes I have to correct, but as Lily segfault, I suppose you will be interested... I send you log and source as attached piece. Feel free to ask for more details. Thanks for developing lilypond :-) Alex. Script started on Fri Sep 13 14:20:05 200