Ok, Here's my example, just 4 bars. If using 2.13.52, no warnings about channel
wrapping is given. Try using the commented line, and the two results are both
\version "2.13.59"
piccolo = \relative c''' {
\clef treble \key e \minor \numericTimeSignature \time 6/4
Dear Robin,
> It is as if the arpeggio code doesn't notice the staff change.
> Here is a workaround which doesn't prevent a collision but disguises it.
> Insert a transparent breathing sign after s2 in the right hand:
> \once \override BreathingSign #'transparent = ##t \breathe
Thanks, but unfo
Lilypond 2.13.58 still has bug on mid output. Because the max number of instr
is 16, and now the midi output considers every instr instead of track as an
item, the result of program change still causes error. For example, I have a
full orch score with 14 sounds plus perc. Then I change s
I'm coming to the final adjustment of my overture while a bug troubles me so
much. In the below harp excerpt, the arpeggio sign collides with the a'4
natural of the treble.
\version "2.13.57"
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
upper = \relative c'' {
I can't make a much smaller example, but this correctly produces portion of
the midi problem in 2.13.57. In a large orchestral piece, the situation becomes
even worse, all instruments sounds at once like a pan of boiling water.
\version "2.13.57"
\header {
tagline =
[from -user to -bug]
I come up with a problem (only for the blind). When extracting parts, sighted
people can check whether the page turn is disturbing the flowing music and
troubling the players, but for me, I have to ask an assistant for help, since
Lilypond can't export Musicxml, or