> Following your suggestion, Werner, I tried the test file with the
> cairo back end, and it worked as expected.
Great, please send me the created PDF for further analysis – just to
be sure :-)
> I then deleted the Noto Color Emoji font (synaptic also deleted
> texlive fonts extra links), and re
On 2023-05-22 02:07, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
(1) You have the font 'Noto Color Emoji' installed on your system (the
new one, with scalable glyphs using the 'COLR' v1 format). Say
`fc-list | less` to find out where it is located. This font
format is not supported by GhostScript –
>> All this comes about as I'm thinking of getting back to
>> some documentation work, and wanted to compile docs locally. I'll
>> still keep that goal in mind.
>> If you can still reproduce the problem after this cleaning, could
>> you run
>> ```
>> FC_DEBUG=2025 build/out/bin/lily