Hi all,
LilyPond's tuplet bracket algorithm seems to not have a specific maximum
slope for its brackets, and can produce things like this:
\version "2.19.37"
\tuplet 5/4 { 16 d'4 }
\tuplet 5/4 { 16 d'4 }
\tuplet 5/4 { 16 d'4 }
\tuplet 5/4 { 16 d'4 }
\tuplet 5/4 { 16 d'4 }
On Saturday, 2016-07-09 at 12:38 +0100, James Lowe wrote:
> The changes.tely commit is here
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=commitdiff;h=d92
> 22eec25ca8143e7e84a5af61aaa98acec5e6a
> and, I suspect that Devon Schudy (the author of the edit) was
> reflecting
> his ch
replying via email than the tracker Ralph created (in case this is just
noise I am adding).
On 05/07/16 15:42, Heikki Tauriainen wrote:
The post-2.18 changes to the default handling of articulations in MIDI
(without using articulate.ly) are currently mentioned only near the