On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Gergely [via Lilypond] <> wrote:
> > I'm not top posting.
> % Should I expect lilypond to understand what's going on?
> % violin and viola are both 5 bar lenght staff, but see the combined
> output?
> violin =
> I'm not top posting.
% Should I expect lilypond to understand what's going on?
% violin and viola are both 5 bar lenght staff, but see the combined output?
violin = \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 2 { c4 d e f | }
\alternative { { c2 e | } { f2 g | } }
viola = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2
No problem! Just did that.
On Monday, 22 June 2015, 14:14, James wrote:
Just to correct Simon ...
On 22/06/15 13:04, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> Would you mind writing this as a comment into the issue tracker
> yourself? You only need any account with google to log in.
No, you only ne
Just to correct Simon ...
On 22/06/15 13:04, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> Would you mind writing this as a comment into the issue tracker
> yourself? You only need any account with google to log in.
No, you only need an email account (any email account) that you have
configured to login with
Would you mind writing this as a comment into the issue tracker
yourself? You only need any account with google to log in. Else I can do it.
Yours, Simon
Am 22.06.2015 um 13:46 schrieb Miguel Jesus:
I was looking into the bug again and noticed something. If we include
a note before that code t
I was looking into the bug again and noticed something. If we include a note
before that code the problem doesn't appear
mus = \relative { b1 b'1\> 1\< 1\> 1\!}
\score { \new Staff \partcombine \mus \mus}
However, if we write a second voice that does a different thing the problem