2012/7/9 Colin Hall
> On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 08:27:41PM +0200, Da Mota Sam wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a pretty much new user of lilypond and I have an idea for a almost
> > dummy new feature: automatically attach lilypond code in pdf.
> Thanks for the suggestion, Samuel.
> I'm forwarding y
2012/7/10 Thomas Morley
> %% The TextSpanner disappears after a linebreak, if the new line
> starts with a MultiMeasureRest.
> %%
> %% 2.12.3 was ok (apart from bad left-broken-padding). 2.12.3-png attached.
> %% Since 2.14.x up to 2.15.42 not. 2.15.42-png attached.
Thank you for the r