This accidental/fingering collision appears to be a bug, so I'm copying to
the bug list. I can't find a similar bug in the bug DB.
The collision occurs only when the chord is the first chord/note in the bar,
and the fingered note precedes the sharpened note in that chord. Here's a
short exam
> % using a lyric tie generates huge postscript files [...]
> % this creates a .ps file of 49,967,248 bytes
> % the .pdf is more reasonably sized at 108,361 bytes
> % the problem stems from use of the lyric tie
Yes. lilypond uses a simplistic approach by simply including the
whole font neede
> I'm not top posting.
% using a lyric tie generates huge postscript files
\version "2.11.63" %run on Windows XP
\paper { ragged-right=##t}
voicea = \relative c' { c4 d e f }
lyricsa = \context Lyrics \lyricmode { bb cc aa~ee dd }
\score{ \context Staff <<
\context Voice{ \vo
This may be another manifestation of bug #570:
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 7:25 AM, Bailey James E.
> I don't know how fermatas are placed by default, but it would be nice if
> ties and fermatas didn't collide by default
I don't know how fermatas are placed by default, but it would be nice
if ties and fermatas didn't collide by default.
sorry, I forgot the snippet
\version "2.11.64"
c'''2~ c'''8\fermata r8 r4
bug-lilypond mailing list
I don't know how fermatas are placed by default, but it would be nice
if ties and fermatas didn't collide by default.
bug-lilypond mailing list