Issue 670: chained trills don't always work
New issue report by lemzwerg:
\version "2.11.56"
\header { texidoc = "
Trill chains must work as expected:
@itemize @bullet
The trill should either end directly before the next trill
If you change the pitch of one of the notes of a correctly tied pair,
but forget to delete the tilde
A: the graphic output looks ok (pitch changed, curve removed)
B: there is no warning
C: midi is messed up
I have got used to the A/B behaviour (B is annoying, but A makes it harmless).
Now I ha
Quoting Victor Eijkhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:47 PM, Graham Percival wrote:
a( | b)
is not the same as
a | (b)
Ok, the notion of putting a barline inside the tie hadn't occurred to
me. Thanks, it works.
First of all, it's a slur not a tie (please make sure that yo