on the page:
the hyperlink on "Lilypond Snippet Repository" gives an error message.
bug-lilypond mailing list
2008/2/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> So, it's clearly not a bug, but a lack
> of documentation.
Yes, which is why I did change the Type of the item in the tracker :)
> Don't add a new LSR item for this issue. I have updated the documentation
> in GIT, in the example of sect. Text
That's great!
"...the bug reporter hadn't realized this fine detail when he wanted
to change the alignment point"
Exactly. Once explained it makes sense. Thanks again!
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Mats Bengtsson
> > Issue 579:
Issue 579: ReheasalMarks are shifted to the right depending on the
number of staves
Comment #2 by v.villenave:
Indeed. I had no idea that the anchor might change between the first
and second staff
(I'm not sure w
Issue 579: ReheasalMarks are shifted to the right depending on the
number of staves
Comment #2 by v.villenave:
Indeed. I had no idea that the anchor might change between the first
and second staff
(I'm not sure why the first TimeSignature h
Issue 579: ReheasalMarks are shifted to the right depending on the
number of staves
Comment #1 by joeneeman:
This behaviour might seem a little strange, but it is intended. Feel
free to suggest
a better way of handling this code.
The poin
That's a serious bug. A complete example is
\version "2.11.39"
\new Voice { << g2:8 { s8 s \setTextCresc s8\< s } >> g4 g \! }
Trevor's workaround also has sever problems since the implicit \voiceOne
and possible collisions with hidden notes will affect the layout.
Trevor Daniels wrote