Please read under "Bugs" in the section on "Grace notes" in the manual.
Quoting Andres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mats wrote:
\appoggiatura g16 \partial 4 f8 ees16 d
Thank you very much for your answers. This last tip solves the problem. But
then, in the second staff the key is displaced:
Francesco Guglie wrote:
The bug is about slur positions: the override command doesn't work as expected
when \slurUp is set.
OK, this issue has been added as
This issue has fairly low priority, so I wouldn't hold my breath while
waiting f
Issue 370: slur #'positions silently does not place slur at actual position
New issue report by gpermus:
%{ Mats commented:
I couldn't decipher all details in the implementation, but it seems
that LilyPond first generates a list of possible
> Mats wrote:
> \appoggiatura g16 \partial 4 f8 ees16 d
Thank you very much for your answers. This last tip solves the problem. But
then, in the second staff the key is displaced:
\version "2.11.22"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\relative c''
\new Staff { \key g \minor
\appoggiatura g'
Graham Percival wrote:
If you comment out the \partial 4, then the beaming is normal.
This seems to be true in version 2.11.23, but not in 2.10.15,
for example.
Does that solve this issue?
Of course not, since this gives the bar lines at the wrong places.
What does work, though, is to i