Issue 97: request: center mark over bar sign (instead of the right edge)
Comment #7 by lemzwerg:
IMHO, if there is a repeat bar line at the beginning of a staff line, the
number should always be centered on it.
You received th
Issue 97: request: center mark over bar sign (instead of the right edge)
Comment #6 by joeneeman:
But should it always be centred over the barline or should it be centred over
clef when there is one (and over the barline when there isn't)
Hi all,
in the current stable branch the small accidental
symbols produced with suggestAccidentals = ##t are
not scaled when the Staff is scaled using the method
shown in the example below.
This issue is fixed in 2.11, but at the moment I can't
use 2.11 because it completely breaks the carefully
The following example is broken over 3 lines in the latest GIT version
of LilyPond.
It seems that LilyPond wants to break a line at every single rehersal mark.
\version "2.11.22"
\relative c'{
\repeat unfold 3 {\mark \default c d e f}
Issue 97: request: center mark over bar sign (instead of the right edge)
Comment #5 by lemzwerg:
Thanks for working on this. However, I think that this new behaviour should
be the default.
You received this message because you are liste
Damian leGassick wrote:
%{ markup not visible with -dbackend=eps, bounding box too small %}
\version "2.11.22"
\header { tagline = ""}
music = {
\once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 6)
b''!^\markup{"I'M MISSING"}
\score { \new Staff \music}
Issue 97: request: center mark over bar sign (instead of the right edge)
Comment #4 by joeneeman:
I've made some changes in git based around your idea. In order for it to work
your example, though, you need to override Score.RehearsalMark