As you have noticed, \harmonic only works within a chord. I'm not sure why
the program is designed this way, since it's perfectly valid notation
practice to
notate a harmonic with a single diamond shaped note head, i.e. with only
a single
note in the chord. You have exactly the same problems wit
The example below produces garbled output. If you add \arpeggio to the
first c2 in the top staff no errors are produced (except I don't want
the arpeggio to extend up there :). Here's the error:
GNU LilyPond 2.11.21
Processing `'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical ob
Issue 281: manually placed staccato dot centered on stem, not notehead
Comment #1 by hanwenn:
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Issue attribute updates:
Status: Fixed
Labels: fixed_2_10_22 fixed_2_11_22
You recei
Issue 51: collision dot and notehead
Comment #1 by hanwenn:
(No comment was entered for this change.)
Issue attribute updates:
Status: Fixed
Labels: fixed_2_11_22
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Issue 137: ties in cords sometimes collide with notes
Comment #2 by hanwenn:
This has been fixed, probably a long time ago now.
Issue attribute updates:
Status: Fixed
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Issue 160: keep-inside-line fails with \markup
Comment #4 by hanwenn:
\new Score \with {
\override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
\relative {
c4^\markup { \italic "sempre non legato" } c c c
note that PaperColumn overrides
Issue 282: tuplet bracket printed over the wrong staff
Comment #4 by hanwenn:
Can we have a separate issue with new image for this problem?
closing since tuplet now works.
Issue attribute updates:
Status: Fixed
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