No text on text spanner

2007-03-18 Thread José Luis Cruz
The example is extracted from the documentation. It doesnt print text, but only a continuos line. % \version "2.11.20" \paper{ ragged-right=##t } { c1 \textSpannerDown \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("rall " . "") c2\startTextSpan b c\stopTextSpan a }

LilyPond doesn't process files under Windows

2007-03-18 Thread Uwe
I'm using LilyPond 2.10.20. When I want to process a .ly-file nothing happens: No matter what I try to generate a PDF, only a logfile is created. Here is the content of the logfile: --- # -*-compilation-*- »D:/Download/« wird verarbeitet Analysieren... --- that means in English: »D:/Dow