Sorry, I'm not certain if this is a bug or the intended behavior of
'modern style. Could you rewrite this using only c and d notes (with
-is thrown in when necessary)?
- Graham
jmk wrote:
desired behaviour, example 1
example 1:
\version "2.9.29"
\new Staff <<
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
when doing \parenthesize of a note in a chord...
If the note has an accidental then the opening paranthesis should also
encompass the accidental. Currently the accidental and opening paranthesis
are printing on top of each other. The closing paranthesis appears t
My guess is that you missed some left or right brace when you
copied the code. If you can't manage to figure it out yourself,
include a copy of your code in a new email to the mailing list.
Also, don't forget to tell what LilyPond version you use.
Quoting Brian Schend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: