I believe I have uncovered a bug when using the \markup { \score { ... } }
capability. In the following example I assign a markup score of 2 measures
to a variable called "varFreeFormOssia". Then in the main music I apply
that markup variable to a note. I would expect 2 measures of ma
Hi everyone,
In current version of Lilypond (2.9.18) for windows when running from
command prompt there are no details listed as the file is compiled. e.g.
from version 2.9.17
C:\Documents and Settings\trent\Desktop>lilypond VivaldiTrioSonataI
GNU LilyPond 2.9.17
Processing `VivaldiTrioSonata
Under windows xp in the code below the accidental does not avoid the beams
\version "2.8.6"
\paper {ragged-right= ##t}
{ \time 6/8
s 2
Alan Shields alan.shields.name> writes:
> My apologies if this has previously been reported.
> Notice the bar numbers and their interaction with the staff grouping on
> bad versus good. This is true for both StaffGroup and ChoirGroup.
I think I've seen that before. No, I know I have. The
\version "2.8.1"
%% Here, the first two lyric extenders extend way too far. Visually,
%% it looks like the extender thinks the acciaccatura for the
%% following note is part of its syllable.
%% The third extender shows a workaround using a hidden note and a
%% blank syllable.
\score {
Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 22:19 +0200, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The following snippet causes lilypond to crash:
>> {
>> \pageBreak
>> c''1
>> \break
>> c''1
>> }
> I think the correct behaviour is just to ignore breaks like this at the